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Seminar Course Notes:
1.    The Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Seminar is divided into two classes, taking place on Tuesday and Friday afternoons (Time periods: (A) 15:10-16:00; (B) 16:00-16:50). Students can choose which time periods to attend depending on their own interests and schedule, but must attend at least 16 seminars each semester. 
※    Students must confirm their attendance by signing in; signing in will not be permitted later than 5 minutes after the start of the seminar. Students who are found to have left early after signing in will have 5 points deducted from their overall semester grade. Students who are found to have signed in on behalf of others will be dealt with according to university regulations. 
2.    After first- and second-year students have elected their theme article topic (Immunology & Infectious diseases/Cancer/Neuroscience/Other), they should submit an electronic copy of their report to the compilation division of the Institute office. After approval, students should submit two hard copies. 
※    If there are color images in the theme article, please print in color. Submission dates: before August 20 for the Fall semester; before January 20 for the Spring semester.